Advice for anti-flea products

Advice for anti-flea products

How to use anti-flea products safely?

The products available in our stores and online are designed to prevent and eradicate minor infestations. Cases of severe infestation should be treated at veterinary clinics.

Regardless of the flea product used, it is vital that you carefully assess your pet prior to administering the product. The following are a few tips to help you use flea products safely.

Detecting the presence of fleas on your pet

How to detect the presence of fleas on your pet

  • Place a blank sheet of paper near the base of the tail (hold it or put it down).
  • Rub and shake the fur toward the paper. If any small, black specks fall off, wet them and crush them with your finger. If the paper turns red, there are fleas present. If any small, black specks fall off, wet them and crush them with your finger. If the paper turns red, there are fleas present.

Follow a few basic rules

  • Always ask one of our Mondou employees for advice when you buy products at our stores. If you buy a product online, carefully read the instructions on the product sheet before purchasing or applying the product.
  • Always stay nearby for several hours following the first use.
  • Never use two anti-flea products at the same time.
  • If you have more than one pet, keep them apart for the first 24 hours following the application.
  • Do not give your pet a bath or let it outside in the rain for the first 24 hours following the treatment.
  • Apply the product once a month for four months, since the eggs (and nymphs) can survive in an environment for four months.
  • All products are toxic if ingested.
Applying anti-flea products safely

Apply the product safely


  • Make sure that the amount of product used corresponds to the weight of the animal being treated.
  • Apply products between your pet’s shoulder blades to avoid any contact with its face or mouth.
  • Do not rub in.
  • If you have more than one pet, keep them apart for at least 24 hours.

Warning: Drops for dogs should never be used on a cat. It is essential to choose a product specifically for your pet. Ask one of our Mondou employees for advice about choosing a product whose composition is tailored to your pet’s needs.

Watch for potential adverse effects

  • Hypersalivation (especially it there is contact with the mouth)
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Convulsions
  • Disorientation or loss of balance
  • Laboured breathing
  • Spasms
  • Allergic reaction at application site (e.g., red rash, itchiness and hair loss)

What to do in case of overdose

In the event of any adverse effects, we recommend that you wash the application area with dish soap and immediately contact and immediately contact your veterinary clinic.

Since your pets’ health and well-being are important to us, we are committed to offering you advice on how to choose and properly administer flea prevention and treatment products.

Protect and treat them: