
The skogkatt, or Norwegian forest cat
Découvrez le Skogkatt, également connu sous le nom de chat des forêts norvégiennes. Apprenez-en davantage sur les origines de cette race, son caractère et les soins d'entretien dont il a besoin.

Meet the Lykoi, the new “werewolf” cat breed
Do you know the 'werewolf' cat, the lykoi? Learn all about this active and sphynx-like cat.

The ragamuffin: a cat that looks like a cherub
Learn all about the ragamuffin, an affectionate, calm, cherubic-looking cat with some ragdoll origins. This silky-coated cat has a docile and adorable personality!

Tonkinese: curious and sociable cats
Learn all about the Tonkinese, a curious, sociable and talkative cat that enjoys being close to its family. This hybrid of the Siamese and Burmese from the United States will not leave you indifferent with its beautiful silky and shiny coat!

The American curl : the Peter Pan of cats
Discover now the American curl feline breed with its particular ears and its playful young feline personnality.

The Peterbald: an athletic and affectionate cat
Learn all about the Peterbald cat, from its behaviour to its care. This hairless cat is sure to charm you with its sociable and affectionate personality!

The Japanese bobtail cat: over 1,000 years of history... and good luck
Curious, lively and playful, the Japanese bobtail is a cat that loves to communicate and is very active. Learn all about this cat from Asia.

The American bobtail: affectionate, intelligent and a physical ...cut short
Do you know the American bobtail cat breed? Learn more about this smart and playful cat with a cropped look!

The Himalayan, a calm and loving cat
Do you have a Himalayan? Here are the best grooming tips and behavioural history of this beautiful feline from the USA!

The Selkirk rex: like a little sheep with a bad hair day!
Do you know the selkik rex cat breed? Learn more right now about this tousled little sheep-like cat!

The Persian: the look of the feline aristocracy
Do you know the Persian cat breed? Learn more now about this popular aristocratic-looking feline with long fur.

Turkish angora: the origin of feline elegance
Do you know the Turkish Angora cat? At the origin of elegance in domestic felines, learn more about this cat now!

The origin of cat breeds
Do you know where and how the cat breeds come from? Learn about the origins of several popular breeds.

The Birman: an enchanting gaze and a feline sweetness
Do you know the Birman cat breed? Learn more about its graceful feline looks, bewitching gaze and more right now!

The Oriental shorthair: a lively, vocal and colorful cat!
Do you know about the oriental shorthair cat breed? Discover this lively, dynamic, colorful and vocal cat that makes many people happy!

The Balinese: a charming grace as well as dynamic!
Do you know about the Balinese cat breed? Imagine a long-haired Siamese that is both charming and dynamic. Learn more about this feline now!

The Turkish Van, Turkey’s feline gem
Learn more right now about the Turkish Van cat breed, its origin, appearance, grooming and behavior.

The toyger: a living room tiger
Do you know what a toyger is? It’s like having your own little tiger. Learn more about this very sociable and increasingly popular cat breed.

The exotic shorthair, like a Persian with short hair
Do you want to have a Persian cat but without all the hair that comes with it? Discover the exotic shorthair feline breed now!

The Bombay cat or mini black panther
Have you ever dreamed of having a mini black panther? Discover the Bombay cat breed now if you like black cats!

The ocicat: a spotted cat that looks like an ocelot
The ocicat is a leopard-like cat that originated in the United States in the 1960s. With its fawn and ocelot appearance and Siamese origins, this large feline is ideal for family life and has a very affectionate and gentle character.

The Siamese: talkative, active and... ancestor!
Do you know the history and origin of the Siamese? Learn all about this very active and talkative cat from Thailand.

The Siberian: The cat that was made for cold weather!
The Siberian is a large hypoallergenic cat from Russia. Learn all about this magnificent feline with a generous coat, ideal for modern life in a house or apartment.

Sphynx: so much more than just a hairless cat!
Discover the origins of the sphynx, all about its appearance and morphology, whether this breed is suitable for your family and you, and how to care for it.